I don’t need coaching!
I love having this conversation. It typically goes like this
THEM: So what do you do?
ME: I help people and businesses to shine
THEM: So you’re a coach or a consultant then?
ME: Well that’s part of how I help my clients, but it’s not what I do or who I am.
THEM: So what is it you do then?
ME: Well I ask the right questions, I help them get really clear about what it is that would make their lives or their businesses (or both) phenomenal. Then I support them to ensure they believe it can be possible, that they deserve it and we make it all happen together easily and effortlessly, faster, bigger and better.
THEM: Oh I thought coaching was for people who weren’t very good or needed help.
ME: Why do you think the most successful sports people, politicians, business leaders and life’s game changers invest in coaches? They’re investing in themselves, not the coach, quite often it’s the difference that makes the difference. What gives them the edge.
THEM: Oh well when you put it like that….sign me up!
It’s a common myth about coaching. That somehow to hire a coach implies you’re not good enough. Not capable of working it out alone.
The reality is that a good coach can help you see what you can’t see yourself.
They can help you get clarity and focus when your mind is full of a million responsibilities and decisions that need making.
They see your FULL potential even on the days you can’t see it in yourself, because they believe in you even when you don’t (subconsciously or otherwise).
They help you to create the magic and life you’ve always dreamed of because they help you to see how easy and achievable it all is when your beliefs and values are aligned to what you want and not focussing on what you don’t want.
The first question I ask all my new clients is this;
“What would make this year extra ordinary for you if anything was possible?”
What would your answer be?
I work with individuals who believe they have what it takes to make life amazing and those that are curious to explore whether they could believe that about themselves. I offer everyone a free coaching session to explore that last question and to experience whether coaching and my approach could be the difference that makes the difference in helping you achieve all that your heart desires.
To see if coaching could be the difference that makes the difference in your life, call me on 07786 250175 or email jennifer@simplyjp.com. Exploratory sessions can be done face to face via Skype or phone.
Here’s what some of my recent clients said about their unexpected experiences….
“It’s like you know me better than I know myself” Stuart
“I didn’t know I could achieve so much in just one session” Judy
“You helped us to see things from a totally refreshing perspective and we achieved more in one day with you than we could have done in a month without you” Richard
“I’ve never felt so excited about my future” Nicola
“I didn’t think it was possible to change what I think and feel about situations. I’m revolutionised. Life is going to be easy from now on in” Steve